Bolsonaro incendeia o Daily Mail com 10 páginas de comentários de leitores indignados

Assim como todos os grandes da mídia internacional, o Daily Mail também abriu espaço para a tragédia amazônica brasileira e, por extensão, à atuação de Macron, presidente da França, e aos comentários inacreditáveis de Bolsonaro, inclusive sobre Brigitte Macron. A resposta dos leitores foi impressionante: foram 10 páginas de comentários! O blog apresenta algumas das considerações mais relevantes feitas por leitores de diferentes parte do mundo. Algumas são tão, digamos, incisivas, que preferi deixar aos que não falam o idioma, recorrerem ao Google Tradutor Inglês-Português. Confiram…

axatak, Burnley, United Kingdom

Typical macho gits are destroying the planet just to SHOW they CAN and they don’t CARE .. and spit on opponents in passing, ignore the point (because you’re so MACHO you AREN4T going to argue logically, that would be beneath you) go straight for the personal insult – anyone who seems like ANY kind of minority, or a woman, or old, or young. anyone who disagrees find a personal insult to belittle them -any personal slur will do the rule is only the rich putty-face machos have an opinion and everyone else can zip it My guess is they are doing it because they have nothing in their pants. Obvious really.
N15bet, Glasgow

Oh dear, Brazil must really be full of nuts to have elected him, he has just humiliated his entire country by his sexist remarks. Coming from a country obsessed by bums its really not surprising

Matthew , Byfleet, United Kingdom

He behaves like a child

LK85, Corona Del Mar, United States

Brazil is another country that has a disgraceful, nationalistic leader with false arrogance and dictator traits.

borntwopintsdown, Milan, Italy

Unfortunately this type of ignorant chauvinism and sexism are still alive and kicking in many latin cultures, especially among men of his generation

Su Merl, Florianópolis, Brazil

Bolzonaro, prioritizes personal interests above the interests of the Fatherland.

Saint David, london town, United Kingdom

Grow up Bolsonaro and stop the Amazon burning.

HelenedeTroie, Dambach-la-Ville

I know both women would prefer Macron over Bolsonaro

Lady 1001, Bermuda, Bermuda

Very offensive and immature comments, quite pathetic from a man destroying The Amazon!

JoeAmerican, Midwest, United States

It was pretty low class of Bolsonaro to make such a comment…. but really is anyone surprised?

Annie, Ontario_Canada

Wow, such infantile & immature behaviour from the leader of a country. When the Amazon has burned to a crisp after refusing all offers of help, this idiot will be blaming everyone else & asking for muito dinheiro. Just wait & see.

tarafire, Georgia, United States

Brazil president has shown the world has has a total lack of class.

stopanimalslaughter, Middleburg Heights Ohio, United States

How much is she costing you, Bolsonaro, per hour?

Errol Gunn, Pretoria, South Africa

Bolsonaro is an idiot of the highest order and his destruction of the Amazon will effect every living thing on this planet and as such he must be stopped before its too late and tried in front of the The Hague for crimes towards humanity.

annaisback, Bello, Greenland


Sam, London

He is proving totally incompetent and I don’t understand why Brazil voted for him as this was known prior to him being elected.

jez, Derby, United Kingdom

It’s a pathetic man that targets another man’s wife because he is too much of a coward to confront the man himself. I hope Macron remembers this when Brazil turn’s into a desert and they start begging for aid. Bolsonaro is a weak fool.

Uma ideia sobre “Bolsonaro incendeia o Daily Mail com 10 páginas de comentários de leitores indignados

  1. Ah se pudesse publicar TODOS os Comentários, pra ver se ACORDA os que ainda dormem ! !! Tem um comentário, que o cara diz “que tem que dar um tiro e matar”! E daí pra pior! E são comentários de Leitores de todas as partes do mundo ! Quase 2000 !!! Chocante e impressionante !!!

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